Radio Producer / Podcast Recording and Production

Radio Producer / Podcast Recording and Production

Radio TV and Podcast Production in Cleveland

I regularly produce a variety of shows and podcasts for the internet and terrestrial radio. Let’s talk about your next podcast, audio book, or radio series project. We have the creative tools to fill the gaps in sound design, audio mixing, voice over recording and we can orchestrate any radio show or podcast project imaginable. Whether its planning and recording live or pre recorded broadcasts, I can help with your sound editing and creation of media assets and creative content creation. We have recorded talk shows and planned musical features and assure quality control standards are met. I can help edit multi media segments for programs and create collections of content for youtube, and help facilitate editing and mixing sessions. We can help facilitate on-air recordings of programming for live TV and radio or streaming on the internet.  I can function as an efficient recorder or editor, or a dynamic on the fly producer. I am looking for new and challenging experiences and I value the risk you take inviting me into your project, and  I hope i can connect you with consumers and we can grow together through innovation in all media platforms.

Contact Me Now to talk about your next session or about my recording studio in Cleveland Bad Racket

    Your Name (required)
    If you have a music name, stage-name, or band name that's ok too, but what name do people call you normally?

    Your Email (required)
    (I won't send a newsletter, garbage mail, or any other junk to this)

    Your Phone Number (I'll keep it confidential and only call or text you if absolutely necessary.)

    What is project called?

    Your Message
    What is your project about? How can I help?

    Please allow at least 24 hrs for response time. Sometimes if get behind, but maybe a second follow up email a few days later is ok too if you haven't heard back.

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