Listening with Me the Producer in my Studio Bad Racket

Listening with Me the Producer in my Studio Bad RacketJames Kananen Audio Engineer Cleveland Ohio

When we listen back to the tracks in the studio, we dive in to the nitty gritty, and capture the data that will later become the final record or track. What we initially record should be the best possible. The recording system at Bad racket has been optimized over time. Using new Tools and technology for music production like Pro Tools, the latest plugins and samples.


We let our Nervous Systems get Stimulated from the Sound

That’s right, the sound goes into your head and stimulates the brain. Hopefully some fireworks happen and it hopefully begins to become something special. We let our left hemisphere brains analyse the sound, and also balance that with the right hemisphere creativity side to make something amazing right before your eyes.


Crafting an Emotional Response

Often times musicians aim to stimulate the emotional response of listeners. Whie everyone has personal preferences, we look forward to exploring new areas of expression. These skills of balance and listening are not easy to cultivate. I have a lot of experience making records and recordings, and the ability to change my views to incorporate new emotional responses, and look forward to listening to your material without prejudice, to make it the best ever.


It’s tough to listen to something 100 times and still have perspective for what the next step towards perfection might be, but from making notes of possible problems, and pulling from the best takes, and listening to it at a variety of levels and speakers, I can balance specific listening skills that benefit you the listener!


Music production begins with me (james Kananen) at Bad Racket recording studio.

BEing a recording artist or record producer is in many ways a mysterious career path. What a music producer does isnt ever seen, and hidden away in a recording studio or other listening space is where the mix is created, remaining a mystery to the listener. When you really look into it, an audio engineer or music producer listens to the material, and does whatever sounds best to make the mix sound the best it can be. Whatever he or she does, remains a factor of the listening and production environment, and so many variables become a factor to the final sound. The producers own taste, the speakers, and processing applied to the sounds.

What does a Music Producer do?

So what does a Music Producer do? Every person who deals with the creative side of the tracks can affect how the final mix will sound. From the recording engineer, or sound technicians part of the recording or mixing process, including production assistants and multimedia developers and sound designers and digital recording engineers to mastering engineers and even live sound engineers, studio managers become a part of the production process. Making your mark in the careers of music production can become a daunting task.