Why being an Audio Engineer is a Terrible Profession Unless your Parents are Rich

Why being an Audio Engineer is a Terrible Profession Unless your Parents are Rich

Take it from me a cynical 10 years experience plus audio engineer. Don’t get into audio engineering as a profession. First reason, there are no salaried positions. No body is hiring audio engineers out of college, or technical school. It just doesn’t happen. Engineers with grammys and 50 year careers are not on salary. This will bring hardship and extremely difficult odds. Unfortunately, all the educational institutions seem to think this is a good career to suggest kids get into. Its not. There are so many people trying to do this, that there are seemingly endless people willing to work on good material. The rest is basically terrible. You will be working on some of the most terrible material you have ever heard imaginable for your entire career. Why? because we are accustomed to edited clean professional media content all the time. We are bombarded with endless videos and podcasts and everything else constantly, People, and especially kids have totally unrealistic exceptions. My expectations were warped were at the beginning of my career. I expected that I would at least be able o get a job. No studios would hire me. I couldn’t even get an unpaid internship. Unfortunately, I’m not rich, so i needed some sort of job. What I found was an exploitative system, where money rules everything, called capitalism. Let the greediest bastard win. Maybe I’m not greedy enough, or maybe I’m just not cut out for this dog eat dog world. But I need work. I need regular human stuff  that requires of paycheck. You can support me, but tell your friends not to get into audio engineering. It’s a horrible field unless you’re rich already. The music industry is exploitive by design. Everyone at the top is a complete slime dog.